At Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy we test and demonstrate renewable energy technologies and sustainable solutions, and by that work towards a brighter future.

Together with SME’s, partners and potentially you, we test wind energy, energy from the sun, wave energy, sustainable buildings and waste water treatment. We test entire technologies, single components, prototypes and provide advice for you along the way.

Don’t hesitate, call us to know your options of teaming up with us.


Tests of next-generation small scale wind energy. Equipped with test facilities to test and more than 30 years of experience with developing and designing prototypes and commercial products, you and your project are in good hands here.


Established in 2012, at the request of the Danish Energy Agency, our solar panel test station aims to compare the performance of a range of solar panels under real-world conditions. 20 companies have provided two solar panels. The data is publicly available.


Test your wave energy prototype at Nissum Bredning or in a pool with a wave machine before exposing it to harsh conditions on the open sea. We are ready to advise you.


Nordic Folkecenter has several energy storage solutions with batteries on site, where you can see, touch, follow and understand the cabling, as well as possibly the software setup.


We test sustainable and energy-efficient buildings and materials. Straw house, tiny house, passive house, houses build from recycled materials and underground architecture are already on the cadastre, and there’s room for more.


Purification of water is more important than ever – and will probably continue to be the most important. We have fully functioning installations, which are designed to treat “grey water”.


Want to collaborate with us on your renewable energy project? Do you need some advice on how to move forward? Or do you need to test your renewable energy technology?

Over the years we consulted many ecoprenours and green small and medium-sized enterprizes with their renewable energy projects; guided them in design, tested technologies and components, made several marked analyses, business strategies etc.